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AsIAm Honours Community Hero Abigail Donoghue

Today, AsIAm proudly presented a community award to Abigail Donoghue for her heroic actions on November 23rd.

Few will need to be reminded of the violent knife attack on three children which took place in Parnell Square late last year. Luckily, Warren Donoghue was present to tackle and restrain the attacker alongside Brazilian delivery driver Caio Benicio and French trainee chef Alan Loren-Guille.

Donoghue’s actions doubtlessly stopped an even greater tragedy but his autistic daughter also played a crucial part that day. When Abigail vanished for half an hour during the attack, her family feared for the worst. However, Abigail had run around the corner to the Rotunda Hospital to alert staff that three children and care worker Leanne Flynn Keogh required immediate medical attention.

Abigail, who was in Dublin to celebrate her 11th birthday, hails from Wicklow. Her mother Stacey Power established the ‘This is Me’ sensory group for children in Baltinglass. Speaking of her bravery, AsIAm CEO Adam Harris stated:

We were delighted to recognise Abigail for her incredible act of bravery. Last November after the awful stabbings in Dublin, Abigail ran to the Rotunda Hospital to raise the alarm and seek help.

So often Autistic people are seen as simply service recipients as opposed to those actively giving service within the community. This is why we felt it was important to recognise her contribution on that most awful of days in November.

We think Abigail is a real role model not just within the Autistic community but for all young people. Her courage is a testament to how the very worst of human actions, can bring about the very best of human kindness

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