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AsIAm Launches New Resource Guide for Parents and Research Report on Exploring the School Experience of Children and Young People

This research, the first of its kind, was funded by the Irish Human Rights Equality Commission Grant Scheme 2022/2023 and compiled by Dr Natalie Delimante and Dr Deirdre Byrne of Atlantic Technological University, Sligo. AsIAm also published a new practical resource guide for parents and guardians in supporting their child and young person as they journey through school.

Speaking at the publication, CEO of AsIAm Adam Harris stated

“This research and resource guide go hand in hand in supporting the autistic community in Ireland. The findings of today’s research shed light on some of the unfair practices that exist in the context of the Irish education system. Whilst progress has been made in recent years to create a more equitable system, we must do more to ensure Ireland keeps its promise to fulfil its obligation under Article 24 of the UNCRPD”.

autistic school experiences

He added “This research directly engaged with autistic young people of school-going age, in an in-depth way that allowed the researchers to fully appreciate and capture the lived experience of the autistic young person. It is also the first published research which directly engaged with Autistic young people in capturing their lived experience at school”.

The research and resource guide came about as a result of the high volume of queries the AsIAm Autism Information Line receives weekly on educational issues. This independent research validates these issues at a national level.

To download the research report, click here

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