AsIAm, today published its General Election Manifesto which provides a framework of what is required by the next Government to remove the systemic barriers that exist for the Autistic community. The key pillars of this Manifesto are underpinned by the values and provision of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and if implemented would create a society in which all Autistic people are given the same chance. Our Key Pillars are:
Through a range of actions, investments and policy developments, the next government should ensure every Autistic person has the same chance to access a suitable school place in their community, in an accepting environment free of seclusion and restraint.
The next government should invest and reform services for Autistic people to ensure they are timely, joint up and, where needed, autism-specific. These actions should bring an end to Autistic people waiting excessive times for assessment and support and break the link between Autism and poverty.
Our statute book, policies and systems must reflect the values of the UNCRPD and the lived experiences of Autistic people. The next government must review and reform the Disability Act, place the Autism Innovation Strategy on a statutory footing and ensure national policy is fit for purpose and implemented.
To read our Election Manifesto in full please click HERE
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