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Balla launches Autism-Friendly Town Committee

AsIAm was proud to attend the launch of the Autism-Friendly Town Committee in Balla, Mayo this week. The AsIAm Autism Friendly Communities initiative follows a series of principles to encourage autism inclusion at all levels of a local community.

This committee will ensure that Balla implements best practices in making their business and public spaces accessible to the autistic community. This means addressing barriers such as communication, predictability and control, sensory processing and judgments & attitudes.

Balla Autism Friendly Committee poses with AsIAm CEO Adam Harris

The launch was attended by PrepareMe Manager and Mayo’s own Amanda McGuinness. AsIAm CEO Adam Harris commented of the event:

“We were delighted to attend the launch of Balla AsIAm Autism Friendly Town Committee last night! There was a great attendance from across the community who had the opportunity to learn about the initiative and also hear of its importance from the perspective of our very Amanda McGuinness, herself a driving force on the Committee. The event in Mayo was also an opportunity to recognise the significant progress already made with a wonderful new sensory space launched on the evening.”

To find out how you can start making your own community autism-friendly, contact us now

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