Ireland's Autism Charity
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Join Our AsIAm Community Leadership Team

Last year, AsIAm, Ireland’s Autism Charity, created the Community Leadership Team. The Team was created to build the leadership skills of Autistic young people. The Team also represents Autistic people at events and at meetings about Autistic people. They also meet people and groups who make decisions about their lives.

AsIAm received money from St. Stephen’s Green Trust to grow the Community Leadership Team. We are growing the Team to support more people to understand their rights.

We understand that Autistic people with an intellectual disability face many barriers to being accepted and included. This includes having their voice heard and feeling listened to, and the right to make choices about their lives. This also includes the right to belong and be included in the community.

St. Stephen’s Green Trust support AsIAm and other groups to allow communities like Autistic people to take part more in Irish society.

What is the AsIAm Community Leadership Team?

The AsIAm Community Leadership Team has two groups that meets in person every month. It is made up of Autistic young people and Autistic adults with an intellectual disability.

The meetings will take place in the AsIAm office in Blackrock, Co. Dublin. The Team will learn about leadership, representing Autistic people and speaking up for their rights. The Team will also meet people who make decisions on issues that are important to their lives. They will also meet groups who represent different communities to learn about their experiences.

To be in the AsIAm Community Leadership Team, you need to be: – Aged between 18-24 – An Autistic person who also has an intellectual disability

– Can come to a Community Leadership Meeting one Saturday afternoon every month.

– Interested in learning more about advocacy, and understanding your rights

How do I apply?

There is an application form here that you can fill in here

There are 7 questions to answer on the form.

The form must be completed by the person who is applying.

We know some people might like to give their answers in a different way to the form. You might prefer to speak your answers and send to us in a video.

Or you might have a different idea that we can support you to apply for the Team.

You can email Niamh who works at AsIAm to ask about this at You can also call AsIAm on (01) 445 3203 and ask to speak with Niamh Mellerick.

When will I find out if I am joining the AsIAm Community Leadership Team?

We will accept applications until Friday 2nd February 2024.

We will let you know if you have a place on the team by Monday 19th February.

This AsIAm Community Leadership Team is supported by St. Stephen’s Green Trust

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