Ireland's Autism Charity
Contact Our Autism Information Line Monday - Thursday 10am to 3pm
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World Autism Month

World Autism Month

April is World Autism Month and AsIAm are taking part in and collating lots of events and resources so that the wider community can get a greater understanding of the barriers that Autistic people face every day.  

Same Chance
Walk for Autism

Make a real difference for the 1 in 27 Autistic people in Ireland by organising a fundraiser for AsIAm. Whether it’s a coffee morning, a sponsored walk, or something unique, every euro raised supports the Irish Autism community. And now organising a fundraiser is easier than ever with our brand-new Fundraising Kit, which you can download below. 🎉

Download Fundraising Kit hereRegister for Same Chance Walk

How your school can get involved

On Tuesday, 1st of April, the eve of World Autism Day, AsIAm will partner with Microsoft Dream Space Live to beam an interactive educational session into classrooms across Ireland. This special event will feature:
•    Adam Harris, AsIAm CEO
•    Michael Moynihan, Minister of State at the Department of Education and Youth with special responsibility for Special Education and Inclusion
•    Microsoft Dream Space facilitator, Michael Barrett

Register your school for Dream Space Live!

How your business
can get involved

We’d love for your organisation to host your own fundraiser through the month of April! For suggestions or recommendations, please click the button below.

Get involved!

AsIAm Autism Language Guide

One of the simplest ways to show support for Autistic people is how we talk about Autism. Below is our Language guide, which contains phrases that Autistic people use to describe their experience of being Autistic and living in society. Whilst this is not an exhaustive list of the terminology that Autistic people use; it does give a sense of the language they use to speak about their day-to-day experiences living in society.